I had to close my exclusive library for several reasons, but the top reason is for a content upgrade.

Most of the eBooks I published here were written years ago and are outdated, so I had to take them down. Besides, rewriting them will demand extra work, which is impossible at the moment.  

As an alternative, I have two (2) options for you. 
  1. Enroll in my ultimate content writing course for beginners for free.
  2. Proceed to signing up on my email list to receive weekly content writing news and exclusive bonuses. 

If you choose option #1, click here to see the course details and enroll.  Don't worry, it's free.

If you choose option #2, fill in the required information below and become part of my small community of ambitious content writers. I need your first name and email address to start. If you own a website, you can leave the link as well. 

Important note: 
If you can't find my email in your primary tab, kindly check your spam mails. Once you find it, click the link to confirm your subscription. Then, move the email in your primary tab to make sure you won't miss anything.
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